Day two of Sevilla was more sightseeing, looking at some of the English schools and walking around the city. I started out at the famous Plaza de Toros (bull fighting ring) for a tour of the stadium and museum. It was really interesting and absolutely mind-blowing what some of these mothers will allow their children to do. (Most Torreros begin training around age 9! Until this century most didn’t live past 26ish). I met a San Diegoan Navy guy on this tour and we decided to head out to the Cathedral afterwards. It was very similar to a lot of the other cathedrals I’ve seen- with the exception of being even more enormous than most. Also, it holds the remains of Christopher Columbus (which have been moved all over the world since his death). We climbed up to the Giralda bell tower as well and I was very disappointed to see that the bells are now all rigged up so that they can be rung from a button or trigger or something on the main floor. That’s just lazy.

The Plaza de Toros in Sevilla was supposed to be perfectly round, but due to some lazy direction-following on the builders part, is kind of a wonky oval.
The Plaza de Toros in Sevilla was supposed to be perfectly round, but due to some lazy direction-following on the builders part, is kind of a wonky oval.
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