Last Friday was my last day of Spanish classes, and we had a field trip! We went to t

After that, Rafa showed us all his favorite weird bar in Granada—called Rincon de Michael Landon (Michael Landon’s Corner) which was indeed very weird. (Basically a shrine to the actor). After that we all headed back to one of my favorites: Van Gogh.
Sunday we had breakfast in this wonderful square very close to the cathedral: Plaza Bib-Rambla. It is adorable now, but apparently back in the day it was used for executions. I moved out of Leo’s house into my convent. (Robert and I had the ‘seems like a good idea’ of carrying ALL of my suitcases and stuff up the giant cobblestone hill on foot. He ended up carrying almost everything, and it was quite the accomplishment- people were coming out of their houses to stare. The new place isn’t perfect, but does have its good points. I miss having an outdoor window, and my room is a little dank and moldy, but it’s very nicely situated. I have a beautiful old wooden closet door, inside which the following is inscribed:
“15 de Mayo 1922
Cayetano Ricardo”

Which brings me to the TEFL course. It is INTENSE. We’re there from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and then have to come home and do more work to prepare. I am missing speaking Spanish, I was really starting to get the hang of it. I still take any opportunity to speak it, but the opportunities are limited when you’re stuck in an English course all day. I like everyone in the class though. Carol from Ireland, Olga from the Czech Republic, Jose from Spain, Tabitha from the UK/Spain, Aaron from Georgia and Russ from Nashville. Great group dynamics (although it does get a little tense among us southerners when the beef vs. pork barbeque debate surfaces. Beef of course.) We have mostly been focusing on learning a specific teaching model using dialogue and role play, but had a random Polish class thrown in there (to empathize with the students) and then a lot of lesson prep work. I taught my first class tonight! I was expecting 6 intermediate students and got 3 beginners so I had to improvise a lot. I think it went okaaaaaay. I did learn a bunch for next time (Tuesday) though. The only thing I’ve done besides work for this course this week is visit the baths again with Vicki, Adele and Chelsea (Spanish students). I think it may become my Spanish guilty pleasure.
That in Ireland all crosswalks are called “Zebra crossings”?
Good Luck with your English class!