Chronicling the Adventures of a Girl from Texas Living in the Heart of Andalucía

Hi, I'm Sarah. A few years ago I had a terribly mundane job as a graphic designer for a ho-hum travel magazine
along with the occasional acting gig. During a moment of clarity in November 2008 I quit and decided to find some excitement.
I arrived here in Granada on my 25th birthday, January 11, 2009, and have since continually sought out new places and experiences.
If you'd like the specifics, read on...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Esquiando la Sierra Nevada

22 de enero, 2:32 p.m.

A Haiku for AKF:

Muy Divertido
Skiing on the Perfect Day
Tumbling Down the Reds

Yesterday most of the students and I went on a little ski trip to the Sierra Nevada mountains- about an hour or so drive on steep winding roads full of cold bulls.
It was a GORGEOUS day- 100% visibility, sunny, not very crowded- etc. 

It has been quite a few years (more than 10) since the last time I had skied so I was a little nervous, but picked it back up very quickly. So quickly, in fact, that my first "seems like a good idea" of the day was to attempt a Red run (the level below black) on our third journey up (completely skipping over the blues). I made it down in record time- mostly using the "flailing tumble" method, much to the amusement of Caz. (I was totally asking for it, on one of our rides up I had mentioned to her that I found it pretty funny when people completely wiped out). After a GIANT lunch that included a cerveza (the 2nd "seems like a good idea" of the day) we went on a couple more runs, but I ended up spending the last hour of the day in a cafe with Miguel and Gillian at the bottom of the slopes for cafe con leche. All in all, a FANTASTIC day- I can't believe I let so many years pass without skiing!! 

I've started getting emails from new friends in Spanish, which have been fun to try to figure out, but I am nervous about what I am sending in my replies. (Example: "tengo calor" means "I am hot", but "estoy caliente" means "I am horny"). These are things that are important to be aware of) . 

Speaking of emails and mail in general, Leo has requested that I don't receive mail at her house, so if you send me anything, please send it to: 

Castila, Centro de Estudios Hispánicos
Aljibe del Gato, 1. 
Granada 18010 España

SABEEEEEES QUE... (I always hear Marly's voice when I type that)
That the most popular radio station here is "Kiss FM"!? I had no idea that it was worldwide! It features hit songs from the 80s through now in both English in Spanish, but I have surprisingly heard more Bob Marley on it than anything else. 


  1. Hey Sarah- Call me up when you're coming to Madrid. I can take you out with some friends. Vicki gave you my number - no? I hope you're enjoying your teacher training. Besitos!

  2. Sarah,

    Thanks for the Haiku!
    I hope I'm the only AKF you know.
    If not, I'll have to beat up the other, at least to the point where she can't read your blog anylonger.

  3. I love the cow sign! Did you hit any while skiing? Are you eating enough desserts? cause I worry.
