As the days get nearer to some of my Texas festival-favorites (State Fair, Grapefest, Jam-bourie) I am trying to distract myself by attending some of the wonderful festivals here. Last week we went to a festival called etnoSur in Alcalá la Real. This is a famous cultural festival with international music, dance and theatre. Angel, Gusana, Nando, Karmen, Nesto and I took the van and camped out very close. We saw a few of the concerts and went to a few of the parties. There were THOUSANDS of people in every square inch of the city- sleeping in cars, on sidewalks, in tents, etc. The guys took huge stereos and dj equipment and tons of cans of beer and bottles of water and sold them each for a euro, resulting in quite a nice profit. We hosted a dance party outside the van late Friday night/Saturday morning. On Sunday, we drove out to Rio San Juan for some peaceful, quiet relaxing in a gorgeous location. The water was freezing but felt great after all the crowds and heat of the festival.

On Tuesday a group of us gathered on a roof in the albaycin for a lovely home-cooked meal (Mel, Rafa, Angel, Me, Clare, Dave, David, Juan Luis, and Mercedes). Rafa made a salad and a paella, and we all sipped wine and spoke in Spanish. It was a very lovely evening.

This Saturday I attended my first Spanish Baptism for a cousin of Angel’s named Jaime. Surprisingly, it was at 10 p.m. in a gorgeous bar with a huge outdoor jardin. The food was fantastic, accompanied by wine, beer and champagne (why aren’t American baptisms like this?) A crazy man that had been at a wedding reception heard our party and switched over to join us. We were lucky enough to be graced with his presence at our table, which was slightly horrific, slightly entertaining, but more importantly vastly expanded my vocabulary.
My hometown is now running wild with Criminal Apes.